Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre announced four impaired drivers were removed from the roadways overnight and charged with driving while intoxicated. Two passengers also face criminal charges and two other fugitives were also arrested. The arrests come as a result of increased patrol efforts through the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign which runs through September 3.
The following individuals were charged with DWI overnight:
- Beau Gaubert (age 37) of Gibson – also charged with Possession of Diazepam and Drug Paraphernalia.
- Corey Woods (age 33) of Schriever – also charged with Possession of Synthetic Marijuana, speeding, and driving under suspension.
- Donald Humphrey (age 54) of Golden Meadow – also charged with Possession of an Alcoholic Beverage in a Motor Vehicle and no driver’s license.
- Lucius Thomas (age 64) of Thibodaux – also charged with Possession of Drug Paraphernalia and failure to use a turn signal.
Deputies obtained warrants for blood tests on each of the four drivers during the investigations, and the results are pending at the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab in Baton Rouge. Humphrey refused to submit to a field sobriety test or a breathalyzer test, and Gaubert, Woods and Thomas were tested due to suspicion of narcotics use.
Thomas’s two passengers, Edward Keller Sr. (age 71) and Andrea Williams (age 34), both of Thibodaux, also face charges. Keller was charged with Possession of an Alcoholic Beverage in a Motor Vehicle, and Williams was arrested after she was found to have a warrant for probation violation. Gaubert’s passenger, Amanda Felarise (age 34) of Larose, was charged with Possession of a Legend Drug without a Prescription and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia.