Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre announced the public’s help is sought to identify the suspect responsible for stealing a boat and trailer from a Golden Meadow business last month.
On February 26, 2018, deputies responded to a report of a stolen boat and trailer at Tiffony’s Bait & Seafood in Golden Meadow. The items were stolen sometime overnight between Sunday, February 25, and Monday, February 26. Upon reviewing surveillance cameras in the area, deputies found the suspect to be a white male subject with short hair and glasses driving what appears to be an older model, light-colored Ford pickup truck.
The boat is a custom-made camouflage boat, and the trailer is described as having two poles mounted on the back with mounted lights. There were also several hand-made minnow cages inside the boat.
Anyone who may be able to identify the suspect, or anyone with any information on this crime, is asked to submit a tip anonymously through Crime Stoppers Bayou Region by phone at 1-800-743-7433 or online at Tips can also be submitted using the P3 Tips app on your mobile device. Tipsters could be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 in cash if the information leads to an arrest.