Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre and Lockport Chief of Police David Harrelson announced the arrest of a tobacco store owner for selling illegal products. Ahmed Alhusaini, 19, of Lockport, was arrested Thursday as a result of an eight-month investigation.
Since October 2021, narcotics agents had been investigating possible illegal activity at HookaMania, a tobacco store located on Crescent Avenue in Lockport. Through investigation, agents obtained vaping devices sold at the store and submitted them to the Louisiana State Police Crime Lab for testing. Two devices were found to have delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and another was found to contain a THC derivative classified as synthetic marijuana. Louisiana legalized the sale of hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) products in 2019 which must contain less than 0.3% of delta-9 THC. Because of the very limited amount of THC, CBD products do not create the “high” associated with marijuana. It is illegal, however, for vape cartridges to contain any level of THC.
Agents obtained an arrest warrant for the owner (Alhusaini) as well as a search warrant for the business. On Thursday, May 5, agents arrived at the store and conducted a search. They found suspected THC vape cartridges, THC wax, and marijuana, as well as various drug paraphernalia.
Alhusaini was arrested and transported to the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex in Thibodaux. He was booked on three warrants for Distribution of Cannabinoids/Synthetic Marijuana. He was additionally charged with Possession with Intent to Distribute Synthetic Marijuana, Possession of Marijuana, and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia. He was released after posting bail in the amount of $60,200.
Citizens are reminded that they can report any drug-related or suspicious activity. Information can be reported directly to the Narcotics section commander, Lieutenant Derek Champagne, at (985) 532-4365 or Information can also be reported anonymously through Crime Stoppers Bayou Region at 1-800-743-7433, online at, or via the Bayou Tips app on mobile devices.