Lafourche Parish Sheriff Craig Webre announced narcotics agents have arrested four men in connection with an investigation into fentanyl pills. The fentanyl is being pressed into pill form to be disguised as oxycodone and other prescription drugs.
Over the past several months, narcotics agents have been conducting the investigation, with a concentration in the central area of Lafourche Parish. As part of that investigation, agents obtained several search warrants and arrest warrants for individuals who were distributing the fentanyl pills.
The following individuals have been arrested as part of this investigation:
- Zavier Triplett, 23, of Lockport was arrested on August 18 with assistance from the Richland Parish Sheriff’s Office. He was booked into the Lafourche Parish Correctional Complex on two counts of distribution of fentanyl. His bail is set at $350,000.
- Jeremy Arceneaux, 32, of Lockport was arrested on August 18. He was booked into the Correctional Complex on two counts of distribution of fentanyl, possession with intent to distribute fentanyl, misbranding or adulteration of drugs with intent to defraud or mislead, possession with intent to distribute marijuana, illegal carrying of a weapon in the presence of a controlled dangerous substance, and illegal use of a controlled drug in the presence of persons under 17 years old. His bail is set at $250,000.
- Kerry Wheaton, 21, of Lockport was arrested on August 18. He was booked into the Correctional Complex with distribution of fentanyl, principal to distribution of fentanyl, and illegal carrying of a weapon in the presence of a controlled dangerous substance. He was also charged with possession with intent to distribute fentanyl, marijuana and oxycodone.
- Laquindin Randle, 25, of Houma was arrested on August 19 with the help of Louisiana State Police in Terrebonne Parish. He was booked into the Terrebonne Parish Criminal Justice Complex on a Lafourche Parish warrant for distribution of fentanyl. He was additionally charged with illegal use of a controlled drug in the presence of persons under 17 years old, transactions involving proceeds from drug offenses, and possession of Schedule I and III controlled dangerous substances, as well as two counts of Schedule II controlled dangerous substances. He remains in custody in Terrebonne Parish.
Narcotics agents indicate the investigation is ongoing and additional arrests are expected. Agents also caution the public to be on the lookout for these pills and monitor children and family members for any and all medications they are taking.
Citizens are reminded that they can report any drug-related or suspicious activity. Information can be reported directly to the Narcotics section commander, Lieutenant Derek Champagne, at (985) 532-4365 or Information can also be reported anonymously through Crime Stoppers Bayou Region at 1-800-743-7433, online at, or via the Bayou Tips app on mobile devices.
NOTE: Per Act 494 (effective June 2022), these mug shots will not be released.