National Night Out Against Crime is a yearlong community-building campaign designed to heighten crime prevention awareness, generate support and participation in local anti-crime programs, strengthen neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and send a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. Approximately 38 million people from more than 16,000 communities across the nation participate in the annual event. The first National Night Out took place on August 7, 1984, and was introduced by the National Association of Town Watch which continues to spearhead the event today.
The Lafourche Parish Sheriff’s Office participates annually in the Night Out Against Crime on the first Tuesday of October. Citizens throughout Lafourche Parish host “block parties” for their respective neighborhoods from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. LPSO deputies attend each block parties throughout the parish to meet community members to discuss crime prevention and any other concerns. LPSO typically supplies each party with hot dogs (or similar food), and most party organizers arrange for other foods as well.
Anyone who has questions about the event can contact Deputy Melissa Simmons at (985) 449-4478 or via email at melissa-simmons@lpso.net.